Saturday, April 19, 2008

Well now they gave us Juicy Lucy and we did the Watusi

Some big changes have taken place at the Canadian Music Archive.

First off, unless you're at a mole convention being stalked by the Crocs, you will have noticed that the Canadian Music Archive logo has made it's debut! Designed by my lovely and talented girlfriend, the CMA logo will serve as the marker for the Canadian Music Archive on the web.

Thus far, it is proudly marking it place as the header on the Facebook fan page as well as serving as a place holder, and a beacon of things to come at Hopefully these two recent moves by us here at the CMA will help spread the word of our mission. As of today at approximately 12:40PM, none of the pages show up in the first dozen or so pages returned from a google search with the keywords "canadian music archive."

However, as I delve deeper and deeper into this project and the Canadian Music Archive seems more like an actual entity rather than some grandiose delusion on my part, I cannot help but wonder what exactly am I doing that is different? Is this project so different than what is being done at the National Archives that it needs to proceed? Somewhere in my mind, I know that this is different enough that it needs to proceed, I just do not know how it is different yet. Am I contemplating something along the lines of the AV Trust? Or even, am I over lapping in my mandate with them? Do I have a mandate? Do I need a mandate? Should I think about incorporating the Canadian Music Archive into a non-profit charity? If I do that will I loose control over the project? Conversely, will the project become too much? Will it consume my life? Will it become my career? Would it be so bad if it did become my career? Could I make it my career?

Sorry for that, that semi-coherent stream of consciousness is what it is like being inside my head most of the time. There are a lot of questions there, questions that need to be answered to be sure. Questions I would love input on.

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